Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I found brown craft paper at the dollar store and I decided I am now a wrapping paper snob.  The brown paper seems to unify the presents.  I found a yard of lace at Savers.  It was only 2.99, a very inexpensive ribbon that I can cut any width.  The other presents I used old sheet music and some tree clippings from the yard.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas at our house

I love the smell of a fresh Christmas tree.  When I go to the Christmas Tree Lot I tell them I only have $35.  Then I am directed to the weakest Christmas tree they have available.  I give them a sad face and ask, "do you have any damaged trees?"  So every year I get a damaged tree.  I manipulate some branches and put the least attractive angle against the wall.  I just can't pay $70 for something I am going to throw out in the street in a few weeks.  After I get my tree I ask for extra clippings that I use to decorate the porch and around the house.